In a newly uncovered memory from the crystal pensive, that even the Ministry was afraid to discuss another light is shed on Tom Riddle’s mastery of the Dark Arts. This revelation suggests that the young Dark Wizard used forbidden magic not just to control others, but to…

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Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes Pixie Dust
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Wizard Magician Breaks Statute of Secrecy On Christmas Eve
Wizard Magician Breaks Statute of Secrecy On Christmas Eve
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The Daily Prophet
The Daily Prophet is a wizarding newspaper based in London, England. It is the primary source of news for British and Irish wizards and costs 2 Sickles. The current Chief in Editor is Selevas Amagus, who works in the main office in Diagon Alley.
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The Daily Prophet is committed to upholding the factual, non-biased and historically accurate reporting of all events in The world of magic.
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