Dolores Umbridge Breaks Out of Azkaban
Dolores Jane Umbridge, who has once been hired for the position of High Inquisitor and then as Headmaster, has escaped from Azkaban, writes Wulfric Twain.
She was put there because of the use of Unforgivable Curses.
Ministry of Magic insider tells us, “There is no clue about how she escaped. When we got to know about that, we immediately put the security of Aurors all around the place. She has not been seen at all till now, however, we have let the dementors roam all around the places near the prison. We have also given the authority to kiss her if they need to.”
The Minister for Magic informs us that, “She was wandless to transfigure herself and we already have an anti-apparition jinx at the prison. So, this is the reason you don’t need to worry about it.”
Although the minister has said very encouraging words, in the end, this escape has caused mayhem equivalent to the one caused after the escape of Sirius Black.
As Umbridge was once at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, we have also interviewed some of the people who studied there in her presence.
“She deserved to be kissed by the dementors one day,” says Ronald Weasley presently working with his brother at Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. “She was evil. She hated half-breeds. We along with some of our friends had started a secret society to learn defense against the dark arts as she only told us theory instead of practical study.”
“She really was bad,’” claims Dean Thomas. “She once attacked our care of magical creatures’ teacher just because he had giant blood and seemed really annoyed when a centaur was given the place of divination.”
“She removed Professor Trelawney,” says Parvati Patil, “who was our divination teacher. She could not banish her from the grounds as that power was with the headmaster that time.”
We still don’t know how she escaped and how she hasn’t been sighted. We have got knowledge that the ministry has also informed the muggle prime minister to put her on the wanted list of the muggles. Till she’s found we’ll have to wait for knowing how she’s done this thing.
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This is bad. She is an evil woman who deserves to be in Azkaban bc of everything she’s done
i so agree
Yep. She is despicable.
YES!!!!!! She’s already been evil as Headmistress at Hogwarts in 1995. She deserves to be in Azkaban for the rest of her life! I’m glad I’m not in Harry’s year!
I agree, i would love to see her being in Akzaban for the rest of her life, ah I really have a Slytherin side on me
she’s a foul loathasome toad.
She is a foul, evil little cockroach and 100% deserves to be tortured like she did to her students. I was in my 4th year when she was at Hogwarts, and while I was there, she took all of the Muggle-Borns into her office one by one, and quote/unquote “interrogated” them, but really she tortured them with the Unforgivable Curses, and this is not widely known, but not all of the people she tortured survived. That is why she was put in Azkaban. Again, I firmly believe that she deserves to be tortured like she did to her students, be Kissed by the dementors, and then killed once what’s left of her soul is gone. The reason I say killed is because I don’t really think that the Kiss would do much because she was already so evil in the first place.
I’m sorry that happened. She deserves that and more. More like she needs to be kissed and than drowned to death or suffocated.
Yes I agree
I had no idea about the torturing! That is something that I will have to add to the, “Why I Hate Umbridge List!”
yes she is the worst but harry could be in real danger now shes out she is probobly insain by now and is a death eater
wait she tortured muggle borns so yes FIND HER IMMEDIATELY
i agree with all of you, she is a terrible women and deserves Azkaban
she is AWOL
She really was terrible, she deserves to be kissed by the dementors over and over again
flip you umbridge.
What is wrong with umbridge she tried to use the craticatios cures on my daddy!
I think I saw her on Privet Drive..
Personally if you ask me the kiss is to good for her as is Azkaban. I reemmber her back in hogwarts and her inquesitation squards. And for a halfblood that somehow got sorted into Slytherin it was particulary hard for me as she requited out of that one house. She seemed to enjoy picking the ones that like her enjoyed power like that disgrace to slytherin in my opinion Drako Malfoy and as for her punishments… They would be right up there with the way voldermont treated muggles. All shes was missing was the mark on her arm… but was she ever checked?
I think she deserves more than a kiss from the dementors. But I thought they removed all the dementors from askaban years ago, Albus S. Potter said that they removed them to be replaced with something else. Maybe that is how she escaped, when they were bring in the new creature? Anyways, I think she deserves to become a were-wolf (something she hated very much) and watch her suffer the fait of unfortunately so many others. She was a horrible woman, and thats says much as I’m a slytherin!
i’m not surprised, when my brother was born a muggle and was accepted into hogwarts, we had no idea such a witch like her existed. until we read the news papers, i even requested to ask information about this umbridge person until i was told everything from the greatest hero; harry potter. there were times i heard witches were evil but after coming into the wizarding world i came to see that there are some magic folk that are pure of heart, even though there were some downsides to it. plus i have quite an eye for mythical humanoids like mermaids and sirens. after-all i think we all can agree one thing, if there is a witch that i would hate most of all… it would be umbridge.
It worries me how she got out. I mean no one’s escaped since Sirius Black!
Well, bellatrix Lestrange and a few other death eater did and the old minister blamed it on him until he was cleared after he died.