Muggle Tours Coming Soon
Today, the Departments of Magical Transportation and Magical Tourism issued a release announcing a new and exciting way to learn about muggles!
The Knight Bus Line has officially launched its Meet the Muggles Tour Lines. “This tour line is going to be a fun introduction to our non magical counterparts,” stated department head Percy Weasley. “We have been working on this project for some time, and we are happy to announce that you may now start booking your own Muggle Tour!”
This recent announcement has sparked some controversy with members of our community who have more traditional views on non-magical integration. “Why would someone want to learn more of their ways and put us at risk for exposure?” questioned a heated Richard Greengrass. “This will just put our way of life in jeopardy, and the Ministry shows a blatant disregard for the Statute of Secrecy with this mess.”
This is not the first time the Ministry has been under fire for its decisions, especially when it comes to The Department of Transportation. When the Knight Bus debuted in 1865, The Prophet received its fair share of owls bringing messages of discontent and plans to boycott claiming the program’s inception was a “muggle-esque outrage.” While concern for the Statute of Secrecy is logical, the transportation department has put the same charms on the triple decker tour buses that they have for the knight buses. Concealment, Disillusion, and Silencing charms will conceal the buses and all passengers, as well as an imperturbable charm to keep objects out of the way, like the traditional knight bus.
“We have taken every precaution to ensure that the Statute of Secrecy remains intact, and you will not find any flaws in our precautions. The charms were applied by the best charms experts employed by the Ministry. I have the utmost faith in them and their ability to maintain our secrets,” Weasley stated.
Mr. Weasley went on to further state that anyone who is planning on attending a tour should dress like muggles, much like when they take their children to Platform 9 ¾ for school. They will enter through the general entrance of King’s Cross Station. Recommended dress and additional information will be included with your ticket purchases.
These tours will provide a sneak peek inside muggle life, taking you inside muggle villages where you’ll see how they live, attend school, and shop. Tours are available on weekends starting in April. Much like traditional Knight Bus fares, there will be different packages available, including group rates. Tours will feature many historical muggle landmarks and locations, such as Buckingham Palace, The Tower of London, and The View from the Shard. Special Holiday Tours will also be available during the Halloween and Christmas seasons.
How do you our readers feel about these new tours? We await your owls!
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I think these tours will be great who will be incharege of them