Six More Dead and Authorities Bemused, Are Muggles Next?
As the uneasy fog drifted across London early this morning, news toiled in regarding the deaths of six more Witches and Wizards in Knockturn Alley.
The scene was evocative of the same black magic used days before Halloween late last year. Similar to the attack on October 26th, all victims were found with the same distinct dark mark branded into their skulls and their bodies nearly unidentifiable. (According to a source at St. Mungo’s, they have been working diligently to identify the bodies and will notify the families shortly.)
While there was a brief hiatus in the number of Dark Magic related arrests directly following the October carnage, this attack signifies a dreaded return of Dark Magic to the World.
As of yet, there is little known about the seemingly ceremonial deaths that continue to claim the lives of our fellow Witches and Wizards.
In an attempt to learn more, the Daily Prophet caught up with the Ministry of Magic for comment. We were simply told that an anonymous tip had arrived via owl approximately four hours after the victims’ deaths. No other information outside of this was provided.
Furthermore, when asked if the Ministry believed the deaths were related to the killings in Diagon Alley earlier this year, the Minister refused to comment.
An anonymous spectator who had surveyed the scene before it was cleared out, told The Prophet:
“I saw the bodies hanging from a wall, skinned and turned inside out. It looked like a horribly cruel way to die. Especially….. alive.” When asked, the witness grimly informed us that they knew the victims were alive during the skinning due to “The petrified look on their faces.” The witness explained that “Their mouths were wide open as if they had been screaming until the very moment of their deaths.”
The spectator also explained to The Daily Prophet what the symbol looked like and provided a rough illustration to the reporter on scene (see picture below).
At this point in time The Daily Prophet has no more information regarding the who, the what, the when, the where, or the why – but you can rest assured that as soon as we know, so will you.
The critical clue? The dark mark that continues to pervade the minds of those witness to the eviscerated bodies.
If you have any further information regarding the perpetrators of the dark mark pictured below, please contact The Daily Prophet immediately.
Follow us as this story unfolds. For more information on the October 26th attack, please read ‘NEW DARK MARK CLAIMS THE LIVES OF SIX.’
Comments (75)
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Lilly Potter I strongly agree the ministry should have investigated this to save our fellow witch and wizards BECAUSE if this all happend
before they should have tracked down the person and put them in askaban (I feel like you know who could be behind all this)
My uncle, Amos, is extremely worried about this and thinks that Albus Potter or Scorpius Malfoy has something to do with this
Albus and Scorpio would never kill people like that. And if Amos Diggory says that, he might change his mind; the two boys RISKED their lives to try to save his son, Cedric with a time-turner.
You, Delphi diggory, should be in Azkaban. Plus how can you lie like that and not feel terrible about your self?!?! I guess you ARE voldemorts daughter. Amos diggory is not your uncle, and you tried to kill albus and scorpious. EVIL!!!!!
Im a Ravenclaw, and i agree with the good side. I read cursed child ya know! I am a half blood! I will find u Delphi Voldemort-lestrange
We all know that you are Voldemort’s child. How do we know it wasn’t you??
Chloe Lovegood – Ravenclaw
She deserves a second chance!
No, she should be executed for her crimes
My brother would never! And shouldn’t you be in Azkaban, Delphi Riddle.
Delphini Diggory , you cannot blame anyone for this without any proof and at least spare the son of the Harry Potter and as far as I am concerned l know both the boys personally none con do such a thing……. Even if Scorpius Malfoy’s father is a former death eater he is not at all likley to do it. This has to be a work of an adult wizard or wich not two under age wizards…. I ask you where from can the learn such dark magic??
Durmstrang. they have both been in the possesion of an illegal time turner. time travel to Grindelwald. its a little obvious.
You might be on to something Delphi…. Maybe you are not so bad after all. I will look more into this to make sure.
Heres some things i found in the library that i will quote from:
Durmstrang is a school for young witches and wizards. The school has a dubious reputation, and is known to put a lot of emphasis on teaching the Dark Arts.
Durmstrang did not admit Muggle-borns, but certain students might not necessarily have shared this prejudice.
Although the school was oriented towards the Dark Arts, Grindelwald’s experiments in dark magic were considered too dangerous for the students.
Durmstrang was notorious for its acceptance of the Dark Arts,[3] and was known to have educated (and later expelled) Gellert Grindelwald before his ascension as one of history’s most dangerous Dark Wizards.[8] Professor Igor Karkaroff, a former Headmaster, was in the service of Lord Voldemort as a Death Eater, but managed to escape punishment in Azkaban by providing the Ministry of Magic with the names of his co-conspirators.
Durmstang is certainly breaking a LOT of Wizarding laws. One of the biggest being teaching Dart Arts!
So Delphi, you are probably right about who did this. I have to agree based on research. At least your doing one good deed to stop these things. nobody can disagree with the facts infront of their faces. Its a big possibility that they have an illegal time-turner.
And Delphi, you need to be a good guy (no offense, hermione granger was called one of the good guys) and help with these things more often.
i guess people with the blood of Voldemort and Belatrix Lestrange can have a change of heart after all.
In our defense, both of us are still underage AND my father was Albus Dumbledore’s friend. Gellert Grindewald would have killed me instantly. Yet here I am, typing this message.
In whos defense?
I have to agree with Albus, I’ve known him and Scorbius pretty well, and they would never do such a thing!
im sorry but i have to agree with Delphi on this one
both actually sound very likly to do so
slytherin and troublemakers
what else do we need to know
C’mon, don’t say that! Some Slytherins are good! Just because you’re a Slytherin doesn’t mean that you’re going to turn into a bad person. You’re a good person, but with lots of bad mistakes ( like me). The REAL bad guys are the Death Eaters.
Harbor does have a point
I am a good slytherin! So is my boyfriend albus! How rude!!
Exactly. My sister is a Slytherin but she is still on of the sweetest people ever!
Actually, it could’ve been ANY Slytherin if it is a kid responsible with thier father or mother.
I’ve told my evidence that BECAUSE that is the mark of Grindelwald, I could have nothing to do with this. Scorpio, however, I cannot stand for anymore. Ever since the killings at Hogwarts on Halloween he’s been different. Either way, I’m sick and tired of fighting over who it could be, us or delphi or one of the two of us working alone. Thank you to everyone who has stood by me and supported me through this debate, Jade, the rest of Slytherin, my family and family friends as well as anyone else, but I’m done arguing. All I’m saying is that until Minister Granger has any more leads, lets turn this conversation to what we already know to be facts, like Kaylynn Black was doing. Thank you in advance and thank you Kaylynn for finding the better way of going about this case, whether the discovery was intentional or not.
I think that the perpetrator should get a lifetime sentence in Azkaban.
I agree. The Ministry SHOULD take this case, and seriously. DEATH!!! Do they want their kind extinct or what?
I fear there is another dark wizard on the way I hope this doesn’t end as badly as last time
I also fear that. But what IS the ministry doing?
Wow how could anyone do this to another living soul? I hope the ministry stops whoever is doing this right away!
Delphini ???
its pernounced DELPHI not DELPHINI!!!!!!
R yall stupid or something?
Delphi is short for Delphini.
I think its Deliphi. She is Voldemorts Child
Chloe Lovegod {daughter of Luna Lovegood} – 3rd year Ravenclaw
Based on evidence, i bet its durmstrng. the evidence makes it a possibility of them having an illigal time-turner isn’t that far-fetched.
Everybody deserves a second chance. Delphi is does too. Dont blame her now because of her past actions. All that matters now is that that is behind us.
Enough, all of you. While I still stand by my claim of innocence, don’t blame Delphi just because she blamed me. Besides, while I remain innocent, and I appreciate the support from my house and family friends, Scorpio has, in past comments to other articles, shown signs of turning dark. In a comment on the killings at hogwarts on Halloween, he said if its because of the chamber of secrets, he supports whoever opened it. Ugh, I just don’t know what’s going on anymore.
Neither do I. I miss him and I hope he goes back to normal soon.
The ministry better sort this out.
I know your not Hermione Granger because 1. she is my sister and 2. She is the Minister of the Ministry of Magic
its MINISTER OF MAGIC not minister of the ministry of magic!
I find it quite odd that the Ministry hasn’t started investigating yet . . .
I agree with mom, they better sort this out. I also agree with you Uncle, I wonder why the ministry hasn’t investigated yet.
The Minister (Hermione Granger/my sister) Is doing everything she can!
Lost of wierd stuff happing i hope they find out soon! I also hope this doesnt end badly like last time.
Hadrian James Potter is my father fyi.
Stop Blaming Hermione
She Has No Control
What If You Were Blamed
I will find out what this means. I need to look at my ancient runes teacher and ask her what this symbol means.
I asked the teacher, she should respond in a day or two.
she said she doesn’t know.
so if something like ‘Give me Anagrace Potter and none will be harmed’ were to happen just like it did to Harry, u would guve urself up?
I agree with Harry Potter the ministry was trying their best but they could not do it . Things like this happen.
I agree with Harry Potter and ?
I hope they stop this madness soon!
The Ministry needs to look at the clues and follow them wherever they lead. not just sit around, waiting for this to happen again!
That actually sounds horrific – I know it sounds kind of selfish, but I wouldn’t want to be one of those people.
Is it strange that people are dying in sixes?
I wonder why people are getting killed in sixes? Maybe the Daily Prophet should look into this?
Do you think everybody who has died has found out something the Death Eaters want to know? Also why are they dying in sixes? It’s seems like more then a coincidence!
This could be the Death Eaters forming a new dark army, I’ve seen this mark engraved in walls, doors, fences, and even headstones. I even saw a person wearing this mark that looked exactly like me. It was rather frightful, I confronted them, but she spoke in a language that I could not understand. It sounded like a combination between French and Parceltounge. The person then gave an eerie screeching laugh and seemed to melt away into the shadows.
If anyone else has had an experience like this, please tell me, I want to know whether or not I have anything to do with this.
How strange, I’ve had a similar experience, but the person or thing was impersonating my father. As we all know he is dead, I wasn’t quite sure how to react to this….
I won’t say the names/species of the others, but I am proud to say that I was a part of this murder. Go ahead, try to put me in Azkaban, you’ll regret it!
Madam Lestrange, your information has been recorded to owl and sent promptly to the Ministry of Magic in hopes to launch a full investigation into your claims!
The Dementors kiss awaits you!
– The Daily Prophet
No! Sister, don’t do this! They might find the rest of us!
did she just confess oh no Hogwarts is not safe if there are others
if the death eaters are forming an army than so should we
What if it’s a new Dark Wizard leading them all? Who else do we know in the wizarding world that agrees/commits to the Dark Arts? SOME (notice I said some) of the members of the Lestrange, Black, Riddle, Gaunt, Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, etc families we know have some connection to the Dark Arts. But I do hope the Ministry tries their best to sort this out, I am going to Hogwarts next year.
I saw the death eaters do it I was hiding caused they were chasing me and I roused a lot of attention so they attacked the people who had seen and that Severus Snape used the curse spectescuptra and flipped their skin inside out.
They were speaking parcel tounge and I could understand them what does this mean I’m only a first year.
It was me
We must stop these preposterous acts! If we don’t it could mean war.
This is getting out of hand
My brother would never do such a thing. I’m with you skye, Scorpio would never do that and Snape your dead to me because you gave me a p for poor on my O.W.Ls