Ministry of Magic Offers Relief Aid to Ukraine Refugees & Keys In On Bellum-Hex
In an unprecedented turn of events, the Ministry of Magic has agreed to work with local muggle factions known as the EU, UN and NATO to provide relief aid and assistance to Ukraine Refugees.
Interestingly enough, in the past the Ministry has declined to work with non-magic based alliances, and has a “Non Interference” policy that it holds incredibly tightly to.
While the Minister would not make any direct commentary on the situation unfolding between Ukraine and Russia, she did state:
“War is a catastrophic event for anyone – and more so for those without a wand. We wish for a peaceful and expedient resolution for all parties involved.”
In addition, through sources who wish to remain anonymous at this time, it’s come to our understanding by way of owl that Vladimir Putin is being investigated by a special task force at the Ministry of Magic whose purpose aims to understand new and influential spells.
Because of Putin’s swift action and denied requests for peace-treaties with Ukraine, The Ministry is seeking out alternative causes to his actions with one possible explanation being what is now called the “Bellum-Hex” – which translates to “War Hex’.
If there is indeed a Hex out there among us that causes an erratic need for establishing wars with other nations, it begs the question of who and what is the intended interest of the Witch or Wizard who casted the spell.
What’s even more concerning is that the Hex is hot on the heels of the COVID pandemic that non magic communities are still dealing with, begging the question – when will the Muggle world finally get the break they need to restore economic infrastructure?
While not much else is known at this time, the Ministry and The Prophet urge all readers to put a wand up for the lives of all muggles and their families who have been lost in this historical event.
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Good grief, a War Hex? Hopefully the ministry can catch the wizard or witch behind it…it seems like a very dark, very dangerous and explotiative type of magic, especially against the muggles.
Terrible, this is happening to the muggles. I feel bad for them.
We go forward in life
I wish muggles didn’t have to deal with muggle-haters like this
I hope we can catch this person and put an end to the war.
I don’t think it’s such a good idea!!! The ministry is ought to think it over, to be careful. Did any of yous overthink the idea that we would be exposing our world, a bit to the muggles? It would not be good
No, it would not be a good idea to share our world with the muggles.
It’s terrible to read about what’s happening to the muggles.
I hope they catch a break soon but I’d say the ministry should think about this again
A War hex!? I wonder who cast it hopefully they find the person who did it
The Muggles deserve this! They are horrible, filthy, animals!
*cough* jihcijncjeniowjbsuowsbhose like you *cough hiudbie2dnejbd
I suppose this isn’t accessible by muggles?
If this new fangled website is put public this could start a war..
What does the Russian Ministry of Magic have to say about the war?
these russian muggles are taking it too far I need to speak to the Russian ministry of magic
I honestly dont get why the russian muggles do this stuf
This is terrible. I’ll have to ask my mother if she is going to speak with the Russian Minister soon. We really need to help the people magic or not no one deserves to loose their life. 🙁
what about the war in gaza
can we help them