Inter-Department Memos
Inter-Departmental Memos are a means of communication within the Ministry of Magic.
in·ter-de·part·men·tal mem·os
/ˌɪntər dɪˈpɑrtməntəl ˈmɛmoz/
Overview of Inter-Departmental Memos
Description: Inter-Departmental Memos are used by various departments within the Ministry of Magic to send messages or communicate important information to each other.
Appearance: In the past, these memos took the form of paper airplanes. This form was adopted after Arthur Weasley pointed out that using owls for internal mail was both messy and unsanitary.
Significance: The use of these paper airplanes as a method of communication underscores the quirky and whimsical nature of the magical world compared to the Muggle world.
Inter-Departmental Memos in the “Harry Potter” Series
These memos made their most notable appearance in “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” when Harry and his friends visited the Ministry of Magic with Arthur Weasley. The memos could be seen flying from department to department, swiftly delivering messages.
People Also Ask
Why were paper airplanes chosen for memos?
What were the alternative methods before using paper airplanes?
Why are Inter-Departmental Memos visible and not discrete?
Why were paper airplanes chosen for memos?
Paper airplanes were chosen for their efficiency and cleanliness, especially after Arthur Weasley pointed out the impracticality of using owls for internal communication due to the mess and potential for disturbances they caused.
What were the alternative methods before using paper airplanes?
Before the adoption of paper airplanes, the Ministry used live owls for internal communication, similar to how owls are used for external post in the wizarding world. However, using owls indoors for such frequent memos proved to be problematic.
Why are Inter-Departmental Memos visible and not discrete?
While the visibility of these memos might seem counterintuitive for a place that deals with secrets, it’s a reflection of the whimsical nature of the wizarding world. Additionally, the content of the memos is likely encrypted or protected magically to prevent prying eyes from deciphering them.