Beast Division
Beast Division is one of the three divisions under the supervision of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures which deals with any issues that arises concerning magical creatures under the “beast” classification.
beast di·vi·sion
/bēst dəˈviZHən/
Beast Division History
The Beast Division was founded in 1811 by Minister for Magic Grogan Stump as one of three divisions governing the magical creatures of the wizarding world. The Beast Division has several sub-departments contained within it including the Centaur Liaison Office, the Committee for Disposal of Dangerous Creatures, the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau, the Ghoul Task Force, the Troll Patrol, the Werewolf Capture Unit, and the Werewolf Registry. Their office is located within the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures on Level 4 of the British Ministry of Magic.