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Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes

The Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes is the Ministry of Magic’s department in charge of repairing any accidental magical damage. Located on Level Three of the Ministry.

de·part·ment of mag·i·cal ac·ci·dents and ca·tas·tro·phes
/dəˈpärt’mənt əv maj’ə’kəl ak’sə’dənts and kəˈtas’trə’fēs /

Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes

Several divisions within the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes exist for various magical accidents. The Accidental Magic Reversal Squad are responsible to correct mistakes such as when magic goes wrong, usually with those who have not yet learned to control their magic or those who are not skilled in the specific spell or potion they are trying to attempt. The Obliviator Headquarters is the branch which specializes in modifying the memories of Muggles that have witnessed magical occurrences. Finally, the Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee creates false reasons to give to the Muggle community in order to avoid resorting to the Obliviators.

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What floor is the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes located in the Ministry of Magic?
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What team modifies memories of Muggles?

What floor is the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes located in the Ministry of Magic?

The Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes is located on the third floor of the Ministry of Magic.

Which team from the Ministry of Magic is responsible for modifying the memories of Muggles who have been exposed to magic?

The team from the Ministry of Magic that is responsible for modifying the memories of Muggles who have been exposed to magic is the Obliviators. Muggles may need their memory modified by the memory charm Obliviate when they have unintentionally or purposefully been exposed to magic or discovered the existence of the magical world, magical beast or magical beings.

What team modifies memories of muggles?

You get into the ministry of magic through a cleverly disguised entrance that looks like an abandoned red phone booth. To actually enter the ministry, a visitor must enter the phone booth, dial the numerical equivalent of “Magic” which is 62442, follow the prompts of the operator, collect your visitors pass and hold tight as you descent through the floor into the atrium of the Ministry of Magic.