Care of Magical Creatures
Care of Magical Creatures is An optional course at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in which students learn about various magical creatures. Subjects include feeding, maintenance, breeding, and correct manner of treating the various magic creatures covered in the course.
Care of Ma·gi·cal Crea·tures
/ker əv ma’jək’əl krē’CHərs/
Care of Magical Creatures History
Care of Magical Creatures is taught throughout the wizarding world, at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry the class can be taken by students in the third year as an elective for those desiring to further their knowledge in Creature Care. Students who are successful in the Care of Magical Creatures courses and achieve a passing grade on their Ordinary Wizarding Levels can choose to become Magizoologists.