Accio is the incantation spoken to cast the Summoning Charm. When spoken Accio allows the user to propel an object to him or her. It is most commonly used in conjunction with a noun. It is able to summon things and items both inside and outside of the view of the caster. Example: Accio Wand!
/ahk, ee, oh or ahx, ee, oh/
Accio History
Accio is one of the oldest and most commonly known spells to the world of magic. The spell is taught in the fourth year of Charms class and is then again revised and elaborated on through a student’s fifth year in preparation for their O.W.L.s. This spell is located in The Standard Book of Spells, Grade Level 4 by Miranda Goshawk
Accio Etymology
Accio is a Latin word and means to “Call” or “Summon”. In Hungarian the translation is “Invito”, derived from the word “Invite”.
People Also Ask
Can you Accio a Person?
How do you say Accio?
When is the first known use of Accio?
What is the opposite of Accio?
Can you Accio a person?
Yes you can Accio a person, but not directly.
Accio, is only known to work on inanimate objects. While people, animals and magical creatures may be indirectly affected or moved by the charm, it can not move people directly through the charm it’s self. Preforming an Accio charm on an object that an individual is holding or wearing carries significant risks. The ministry of magic warns against this practice as objects move at the speed of light when this summoning charm is cast.
How do you say Accio?
You say Accio through the classical Latin pronunciation of the word.
The word its self is pronounced AHK-ee-oh, and in some cases AHX-ee-oh, either of which is both acceptable and will complete the charm if the user of the charm is focused.
When is the first known use of Accio?
Accio was first used in the year 1269 by Modesty Rabnott during the course of a quidditch game.
Modesty summoned the snitch to herself to prevent another quidditch player from treating the snitch barbarically during the game.
What is the opposite of Accio?
The opposite of Accio is Depulso, also known as the banishing charm.
Depulso sends the object or target towards a specific position or place that the wizard or witch is thinking of. Unlike Accio, Depulso can be used on people and inanimate objects. This particular charm is learned in the third or fourth year at Hogwwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from a charms instructor.