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Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare

Society for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare – The Ministers New Ideas

Ms Granger, Minister for Magic, has put forward a new proposal for The Society for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare bill (otherwise known as the S.P.E.W. bill). This bill would attemot do exactly what it says on the door; to promote house elf freedoms.

The controversial ideals behind this bill originated during the Minister’s years at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. “It was a mad idea even back then…” explained Seamus Finnigan (a school peer) “…at one point she even started knitting hats and leaving them around the school, trying to trick them into freeing themselves.”

Minister Granger has always been known for her inclusiveness with magical creatures, but this bill definitely takes the bait. Although many believe it to be a good move on behalf of the Ministry, there are still those that believe it to be folly and a futile move by an idealistic leadership.

Overall, while this appears to be a rather odd direction for the Ministry to take, only time will tell whether or not this is the right direction for Wizarding Society.

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