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Dr. Fillibuster’s Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks

Dr. Fillibuster’s Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks are a famous wizarding firework that create a brilliantly distracting magical fire work when set off with water.

/ˈfilə ˈbəstərz/

Dr. Fillibuster’s Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks History

Dr. Fillibuster’s Famous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks have been available for witches and wizards to purchase in the wizarding world for decades. They are used most frequently in celebrations and when the user wishes to create a loud and flashy distraction. They are most famously available for purchase at Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop in Diagon Alley.

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What do Dr. Fillibusters Fireworks do?
How do you set off Dr. Fillibusters Fireworks?

What do Dr. Fillibuster’s Fireworks do?

Dr. Fillibusters Fireworks explode into a shower of colorful, loud fireworks display when detonated with water.

How do you set off Dr. Fillibuster’s Fireworks?

You set off Dr. Fillibuster’s Fireworks by getting the wick wet – these fireworks can go off with any type of liquid, even a potion.